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Iata cateva coduri pentru diferite telefoane NOKIA
3210 3310 3810 / 5110 / 6110 / 6130 6150 / 6160 6190 6210 6250 / 7110 / 8110 / 8210 8810 / 8850 8890 / 9000 9110/i


Service codes

*#0000# or *#9999# (Not Tested)
1st Line - Software Version
2nd Line - Date of Software release
3rd Line - Phone Type.

*#92702689# or *#92772689# Display the phone's software version.

1st Screen - Serial #, IMEI
2nd Screen - Date of phone manufacture
3rd Screen - Purchasing date.

The Purchasing date can be set once, when edited turn the phone off to exit.

4th Screen - Last Repair Date.
5th Screen - Transfer User Data.
6th Screen - Phone Life Timer

The figures are decoded as follows..

The first two (12) are the number of days that the phone has been connected to the network for.
We think this only resets if the phone has been off / out
of service for at least 24 hours.

The rest of the figures (04:59) is the talk time that the phone has been used for, in hours and minutes.

*4720# Activates Half Rate Mode. Drops call quality, but increases battery life by about 30%. The phone will reboot after changing the phone rates.
#4720# Deactivates Half Rate Mode.
*3370# Activates EFR (Enhanced Full Rate) mode. Makes calls sound better,
but decreases the battery life by about 5%. It is also supposed to make a
great deal of difference when there is very little signal - It has been noticed
that less 'break up' is heard when in patchy coverage.

It has been confirmed that only 2 UK operators are currently supporting this, Orange and One2One.
Orange have it across the board, One2One have it for their 'premium' customers. Vodaphone are currently trialling EFR in the south east of the UK, with a nationwide rollout soon.

Newer versions of the phone software (probably from version 4.73 onwards) have got EFR activated as standard, so *3370# doesn't work.

#3370# Deactivates Enhanced Full Rate mode.

Shows whether or not your sim card supports clock stopping. See the Battery Life page for the implications of this. Not all versions of the software will report this though.

IMEI code

To View IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) enter *#06#


Nokia 6150 - Secret Codes

*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
*#6190# shows the SW version.
*#92772689# (after removing the analog module) shows service menu.

*3001#12345[OK] to enter test mode.
*#639# to change NAM.

Firmware version check

To view Firmware version enter *#0000#

Warranty menu

To view the warranty menu enter *#92702689# [*#war0anty#]

1) shows the serial nr.
2) shows when the cel phone was made mmyy
3) shows when the the cel. phone was purchased mmyy
4) shows how many times the cel. phone has been repaired.
5) makes you capebel of transferring user data if you have the gear for it
6) shows how many houres the phone has been on

Sim clock stop

To view if sim clock can be stoped enter *#746025625# [*#sim0clock#]
(Sim-clock-stop is a kind of standby mode which will save battery time)
May not work with all firmware versions.

IMEI code

To View IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) enter *#06#

Web Master Moldovan George e-mail: gxg2002@Xnet.ro