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Iata cateva coduri pentru diferite telefoane NOKIA
3210 3310 3810 / 5110 / 6110 / 6130 6150 / 6160 6190 6210 6250 / 7110 / 8110 / 8210 8810 / 8850 8890 / 9000 9110/i


*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)

*#8110# for checking the phones software (SW) - called firmware revision information.

*#746025625# [*#sim0clock#]  to check if the Sim-Clock can be Stopped
(Sim-clock-stop is a kind of standby mode which will save battery time)

*#92702689# [*#war0anty#] Phone asks 'warranty code:'

Press the following warranty code:

6232 (OK) : Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture (0997)
7332 (OK) : Displays the date of the last repairment - if  found ('DATE NOT SAVED'...)
7832 (OK) : Displays (if found) the date where the phone was purchased ('DATE NOT SAVED'...)
9268 (OK) : Displays Serial Number
37832 (OK) : Set the Purchasing Date MMYY
(Warning: You can only do this once - So be careful what you write...)
87267 (OK) : Transfers ALL phone numbers, pictures, sounds from one phone to another (eg. if broken) with 6110 u can transfer all data via IRport. (Confirm transfer?)


8110i : Type NHE-6(BM)
8110 : Type NHE-6(BX) (latest firmware: v04.38 (15-2-97) NHE-6)

8110i SW Versions::

LATEST Version is V 5.20 xx-xx-9x

Software version V 25.10  03-06-98
- An updated GSM operators' list.
- The two hands at startup has been removed
(Can anyone tell me what Nokia is trying to say with this startup-screen ping-pong?!).

Software version V 25.00  12-02-98
- An updated GSM operators' list.
- Tingtone 10 was changed..

Software version V 34.23   22-10-97
(hummm...only one day from the older version!!!!!!??)
- Latest known version.
- An updated GSM operators' list.
- Some character changes (eg. the @) when sending sms.

Software version V 24.23   21-10-97
- An updated GSM operators' list.
- The two hands at startup is back!! (if they were gone at all)

Software version V 24.11   09-09-97
- An updated GSM operators' list.
- Some people say that the two hands at startup has been removed - some don't !

Software version V 24.04   08-08-97
- An updated GSM operators' list.
- Problem with missing service provider name in display solved.

Software version V 24.03 16-07-97
- First known version.
- This version had some problems showing the service provider in the display.
  Instead it showed some empty space. ???  

This is what the Nokia 8110(i) displays when software code is typed.

V 04.51

First line:
The Software Version (My guess is that this software has been used in
previously Nokia-phones, what do you say?!).

Second line:
The date of the SW release.
Third line:
NHE-8 has something to do with the type of phone you are dealing with.
Is it GSM 900 (standard), GSM 1800 (DCS1800) or GSM 1900 (PCS1900)?
Nokia 2110, 3110, 8110(i) are all NHE types.
The only thing that vary is the code after NHE-  ("8").
NHE = GSM 900, NHK =GSM 1800 - The number in the end = the model (2110i = 4 etc.)
The 5110 and 6110 is called NSE-1 and NSE-3...this may be because it supports EFR (?)

Web Master Moldovan George e-mail: gxg2002@Xnet.ro